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You're viewing The Morning View Sessions Cheat Codes

Game Name : The Morning View Sessions
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-02-28 14:53:48
Views : 19933
Mystical Chuck
When you first put the DVD in and let it start up, the majority of the collage is blank. Push the [Down] key on your remote until you reach the last menu item [At the Concer. Press [Down] again and the yellow star that Chuck is on will turn white [it was yellow and is right next to "At the Concert"]. Press the selection button and enjoy.

Brandon and Jose in the "Red Room"
On the [Main Menu], press the [Down] button until you reach [Living on Morning View] (above Chuck's head) and press the select button. Keep pressing the [Righ key until you reach [Red Room Trip] and select it. Notice on the laptop, you see a scene from another Incubus DVD [When Incubus Attacks Vol II] where Brandon and Jose are on the tour bus, as well as other footage.

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